The NCMO meeting of 24 September 2018
discussions referred to macroprudential policy matters, such as the capital buffers and the implementation of recommendations on macroprudential policy and systemic risk laid down in the IMF’s “Romania: Financial Sector Assessment Program”
Annual Report 2017
The main objective of the Report is to inform on the macroprudential measures taken by the NCMO with a view to safeguarding the stability of the national financial system.
The NCMO meeting of 21 May 2018
discussions referred to macroprudential policy matters, such as the regular analysis on the recalibration of the countercyclical capital buffer (CCB), potential challenges in relation to the “First Home” programme, the persistence of structural imbalances regarding the soundness of non-financial corporations, the draft Annual Report of the NCMO for 2017 and the NCMO’s overall macroprudential strategy framework.
The NCMO meeting of 26 February 2018
The General Board discussed during the meeting issues focusing on macroprudential policy and systemic risk. Also, issues related to its organisation and functioning and the composition of its technical committees were discussed.
The NCMO meeting of 18 December 2017
The General Board analysed the recalibration of the countercyclical capital buffer, the implementation of a systemic risk buffer and the impact of credit institutions’ funding plans on the flow of credit to the real economy.
The NCMO meeting of 9 October 2017
The General Board adopted 2 regulations regarding the methodology for setting capital buffers and the rules governing the organisation of the NCMO.
The NCMO meeting of 14 June 2017
Participants analysed the cross-border effects of macroprudential measures taken in EU Member States, recalibration of the countercyclical capital buffer, assessment of the material third countries for the banking sector in Romania.
The first meeting of the NCMO
The meeting on the operationalisation of the National Committee for Macroprudential Oversight (NCMO) took place on 11 April 2017.